B I O G R A P H Y Amy Faust focuses on creating quality hand-crafted wearable art that respects the environment. Trained as a metalsmith and inspired by nature and classical art and modernist design, she believes that through art anything can be transformed. Repurposed glass, porcelain, and other found and vintage objects are renewed in each of her individually hand-crafted pieces. Amy is drawn to simplicity and wearability, and crafts pieces that can be both dressed up or worn daily. Each artwork is a composite of recycled sterling silver, repurposed colorful, mostly vintage glass, special beach pebbles, and porcelain with imagery of birds and farmland. Amy Faust hopes her pieces will remind the wearer of the precious natural beauty we need to hold onto and to protect. The artist says, "I create jewelry because I love to play with color, metal, and imagery. Each piece is a composite of repurposed materials which remind me of things fragile and loved...When you love what you wear, you can feel a deep satisfaction and a sense of empowerment and connection."
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