B I G R A P H Y Jim Cotter is known for his playful mindset regarding art and life. His work consists of creating images from a variety of materials not normally associated with jewelry such as steel, concrete, rocks and sought after everyday objects. He is often torn between loyalties to art and craft but has come to the conclusion that the distinction really does not matter and is no longer necessary. Just as one does not buy a painting because of the number of tubes of paint brushed on the canvas, jewelry is not merely the sum of its intrinsic materials. The design and idea embodied in a piece of jewelry captures the energy and makes the statement not the costly materials it is made from. Cotter enjoys the idea of combining disparate materials to assert that jewelry doesn’t have to be precious metal or gemstones and can survive outside the common perceptions of what properly constitutes jewelry. Jim Cotter has been an active member of the local art community since 1969, as well as an internationally known creator of unique jewelry and sculpture. He exhibits many different styles of his creativity through his jewelry making and pulls inspiration from all aspects of life and nature. His most recognizable work includes the Mask Series, Jackson Pollock Series, wide band rings and the Stonewear Series.
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