Susie, as she is better known, is a native New Englander who moved to Gloucester from the shores of the Sakonnet River in Rhode Island. She has been painting and teaching art in Gloucester since 2000.
“I love to paint Gloucester, its port, beaches and marshes and try to capture through light and form the special meaning these locations have for me. The exuberance of nature and the fleeting qualities of light are what attract me to painting.”
Although largely self-taught, she has taken workshops with David Curtis, Charles Reid, David Millard and David Dewey.
For thirteen years she was head of the Art Department at Pennfield School in Portsmouth, R I, during which time she also developed a respected portrait painting business in watercolor, which she continues to this day on the North Shore.
Her work in oil, acrylic, mixed media and watercolor can be found in public and private collections throughout the US and can be seen at her Studio at 290 Western Ave. in Gloucester. She has had 10 one person shows and over 30 group shows over the past 15 years in four New England states. She has won first place awards in portraiture and landscape, has received 2 grants from the RI State Council for the Arts and a teaching Fulbright. She is an artist member of the Rockport Art Association, The North Shore Art Association and The Rocky Neck Artist Colony. She has been represented by the Salt Wind Gallery in Kennebunkport, Maine and the V Gallery in Woodstock, Vermont and the Spring Bull Gallery in Newport, Rhode Island.
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